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Knowledge / Stamps / Postage Stamps / Changes

Postage Stamp Change: the same postage stamps with a time-shifted change

Postage Stamp Category Change: the same postage stamps converted time-shifted into a different category of stamps

Change Of Long Term Stamp To Commemorative Stamp: long term stamp converted time-shifted into a commemorative stamp

Change Of Official Stamp To Definitive Stamp: official stamp converted time-shifted into a definitive stamp

Change Of Definitive Stamp To Official Stamp: definitive stamp converted time-shifted into an official stamp

Without overprint: long term stamp
With overprint: commemorative stamp

Without overprint: official stamp
With overprint: definitive stamp

Without overprint: definitive stamp
With overprint: official stamp

Change Of Definitive Stamp To Parcel Post Stamp: definitive stamp converted time-shifted into a parcel post stamp

Change Of Air Post Stamp To Air Post Semi-postal Stamp: air post stamp converted time-shifted into an air post semi-postal stamp

Change Of Air Post Stamp To Parcel Post Stamp: air post stamp converted time-shifted into a parcel post stamp

Without overprint: definitive stamp
With overprint: parcel post stamp

Without overprint: air post stamp
With overprint: air post semi-postal stamp

Without overprint: air post stamp
With overprint: parcel post stamp

Change Of Parcel Post Stamp To Definitive Stamp: parcel post stamp converted time-shifted into a definitive stamp

Change Of Public Stamp To Office Duty Stamp: public stamp converted time-shifted into an office duty stamp

Change Of Commemorative Stamp To Air Post Stamp: commemorative stamp converted time-shifted into an air post stamp

Until 30.06.1913: parcel post stamp
From 01.07.1913: definitive stamp

Until 19.01.1922: public stamp
From 20.01.2022: office duty stamp

Without overprint: commemorative stamp
With overprint: air post stamp

Change Of Commemorative Stamp To Commemorative Semi-postal Stamp: commemorative stamp converted time-shifted into a commemorative semi-postal stamp

Without overprint: commemorative stamp
With overprint: commemorative semi-postal stamp

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